...Lost Planet
Stunning hand crafted art gifts with designs from the deep past
Inspired by cave paintings and ancient art, our vivid designs are hand crafted with professional art materials for a high quality finish...
Posters and canvases
Dive into a lost world of stomping mammoths, marauding bison and spiritual stone circles which leap off the page in these bright contemporary designs...
Coasters and fridge magnets
There's something timeless and powerful about prehistoric and Celtic art. It holds a deep knowledge of what it was once like to walk our planet when it was pristine, untouched and bursting with wildlife...
Order a bespoke art gift
If you've got a favourite scene you'd like a painting or sketch of - maybe it's your wedding venue, holiday destination or favourite view, please email me at mpelvery@gmail.com for a quote
Pastels and Paintings
The softness of pastels captures the elusive and precious nature of the light that fills our skies
Sketch Gallery
Capturing a place or a moment in a sketch by hand, using simple tools, creates a unique and lasting connection to the world around us...